Inception and Tron Coming to TV in August

Sky Movies takes us to new realms with the Friday Night Premieres this month and after missing out on a summer holiday, I’m up for the trip.

First up on 19th August is Tron: Legacy. The sequel to the 1982 groundbreaking Tron sees Sam (Garrett Hedlund), the rebellious offspring of original game maker Flynn (Geoff Bridges) sucked in to his father’s digital domain and on to The Grid.

The action takes place on a backdrop of alluring luminescent lines and contrasting dark landscapes. But the main visual impact comes from Cluj, Flyn from 30 years ago. The technology to smooth Bridges’ flesh and give him a used car salesman bouffant is cool, if not a little disconcerting.

Dare I say the original is looking a little dated now, this offering drives the story from the arcade era to one of hand held gadgets and virtual worlds. Exciting popcorn viewing.

From one dystopia to another when Inception hits Sky Movies screens on 26th August.
Imagine a world where a thief can invade your dreams, a labyrinth of notions even journalists cannot hack, and rather than steal your thoughts, implant them.

Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) has the technology and the knowhow to do just that and the sophisticated bandit is lured into doing ‘one last job’ for personal redemption. It seems people would pay a lot more than a penny for your thoughts and in this instance even atone your sins to plant one.

The plot demands attention and will have you spinning with more questions than answers. The curving sets move like a jigsaw, slotting in to various new attachments to incredible effect - fitting all the pieces of the film together on the first viewing would be a more impressive feat. A must see this month.

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